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Get Involved

Community engagement and public support is a critical element of the planning process. As permanent or seasonal residents, business owners, and/or visitors, you are the local experts, and you likely have firsthand experience with the impacts of flooding, storm surges, high tides, and other natural disturbances.


Your ideas, experiences, and insights are critical to developing a Coastal Resiliency Plan that directly responds to local needs and circumstances as well as advances your vision for the future of your community.


Please check this page often as it will be regularly updated to display information related to upcoming and past events.


Interested in sharing your thoughts, ideas, or questions with the project team now? Click here to contact the project team now!

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

The Project Team will present the Coastal Resiliency Plan at three public meetings, offering both in-person and virtual attendance options if capable. These sessions will cover the Plan's purpose, existing conditions of the study area, vulnerable and high-risk areas in your community, and proposed resilience solutions. While virtual participation is available, in-person attendance is encouraged for better engagement. Each presentation will conclude with an opportunity for attendees to ask questions, ensuring community involvement in this important initiative. Check back for virtual participation links.

Public Meeting

February 24, 2025


Old Saybrook Middle School


60 Sheffield St, Old Saybrook 

Public Meeting

February 25, 2025


Mulvey Municipal Building

Multi-Purpose Room

866 Boston Post Rd, Westbrook

Public Meeting

February 26, 2025


Clinton Town Hall

54 E Main St, Clinton

Past Events

Past Events

Pop-up events occurred at already planned community events and provided the opportunity to meet one-on-one with the Project Team and share feedback. Community workshops included a presentation followed by an engagement activity where the public provided feedback to the Project Team. 

Pop-Up Event   Beachside Tent

August 19, 2023   |   9am - 1pm

Town Beach   |   Seaside Ave, Westbrook

Pop-Up Event   Clinton Summerfest

August 26, 2023   |   4pm - 8pm

Andrews Memorial Town Hall   |   54 E Main St, Clinton

Community Workshop   Westbrook

September 13, 2023   |   6:30pm - 8pm

Westbrook Town Hall Multi-Purpose Room   

866 Boston Post Rd, Westbrook

Interactive Map Support Session

September 21, 2023   |   6pm 

Clinton Library   |   10 Killingworth Turnpike, Clinton

Community Workshop   Virtual

September 26, 2023   |   6:30pm - 8pm

​Click Here to Watch the Meeting Recording

Pop-Up Event   Katherine Hepburn Theater

September 30, 2023   |   12pm - 4pm

Katherine Hepburn Theater   |   300 Main St, Old Saybrook

*near the Art Show*

Council of Beaches Meeting

October 2, 2023   |   7pm - 8:30pm

Westbrook Town Hall Multi-Purpose Room

886 Boston Post Rd, Westbrook

Community Workshop   Old Saybrook

October 10, 2023   |   6:30pm - 8pm

Old Saybrook Middle School Auditorium

60 Sheffield St, Old Saybrook

Interactive Map

Interactive Map

Thank you for sharing your insights and ideas!

The interactive map is now closed and your comments are being processed by the Project Team.


If you would still like to share an asset, issue, or opportunity with the Project Team, use the Share Your Story prompt below.

Interactive Map.JPG
Share Your Story

Share Your Story!

How has flooding, erosion, and/or high winds impacted you? To share photos, please use the 'upload file' button below and indicate the street or location where the photo was taken. 

Upload File

Thanks for sharing with us!

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